For the companies involved , anti dumping procedures lead to considerable expenses of time and capital 反倾销诉讼对企业无疑是一件费时、费力而且费用可观的棘手的官司。
Each year , major anti dumping procedures cause a negative impact on the development of chinese economy and trade 每年数以百计的反倾销诉讼正越来越对我国的经济和贸易的发展产生负面影响。
Entering the world markets , chinese companies have to overcome the obstacle anti dumping allegations pose to their activities 在如此的环境下中国出口企业饱受其苦,应对反倾销成了出口企业一道绕不过去的障碍。
We can also regard anti dumping investigations as motivation for the restructure of their company ' s management to help them realizing the internationalization of companies 我们应该变压力为动力,将反倾销调查视为调整企业管理和产品结构的驱动力,使企业逐步实现国际化。
Part 1 : the study of the current situation of china against anti dumping during the ninth decade of the last century , dumping and anti dumping became a more and more serious matter worldwide , and china was no exception 第一部分:对我国被诉倾销问题的分析研究: 20世纪90年代,世界范围内的倾销与反倾销问题呈明显增加趋势。这一趋势在我国也有突出表现,反倾销诉讼屡屡出现,涉及我国多个领域的出口产品。
But because the situation of the companies " exports is not well organized , they are likely to become the target of anti dumping procedures once their products enter the international markets . in recent years , more and more countries have started to realize these changes 近年来,越来越多的国家已经开始重视这一转变,在对待我国出口企业时不再笼而统之而是进行分别考察,这样在一定程度上扭转了对中国出口产品企业的一贯性歧视态度。
The focus of this article ' s research is the impact of dumping and anti dumping on economics and trade in the world and especially in china . following the development of the chinese economy , more and more companies entered the international markets and started participating in international competition 本文重点研究了从20世纪初出现反倾销立法以来,倾销与反倾销对世界经济特别是对中国经济发展,政府职能发挥和企业在竞争中生存的深刻影响。
Anti dumping procedures on the one hand are a way of trade protection , at the same time they also are the expanding of their domestic political disputes into the arena of international trade . in a considerable number of cases , foreigners allege that china is not a market economy , they claim that the government grants chinese companies subsidies and that for this reason the prices of chinese export do not properly reflect their market value . therefore , they turn to the prices of third countries as a measure to determine whether chinese products are dumped onto their markets 在不少的立案中,国外对我国的经济制度均采取了错误地理解,仍将我国视为非市场经济国家,认为政府过度的给予企业的资助和补贴致使我国出口价格不能真实地反映产品的市场价值,因而参照“替代国”的价格确定我国的正常值并以此为据裁定倾销;事实上,改革开放以来中国一直在向市场经济转型,经过十几年的发展,我国大部分企业已经成功地进行了体制上的改革,实现了产权明晰,政企分开,企业作为市场经济的主体独立地在市场上自主经营、自负盈亏,企业正在向市场化迈进,我国已经努力实现了取消全部的指令性计划,让市场按市场规律发展。
They treat each exporting chinese company individually . up to a certain extent they changed their prejudiced attitude , but every change needs its time . therefore , we should be prepared that during a considerable time to come china will continuously have to face anti dumping procedures directed against it 但是,态度的转变不是一蹴而就,其他国家需要时间来考察,我国有些企业也还需要时间进行调整,因此我们需做好充分思想准备? ?在相当长的时间里反倾销案件仍将保持较高的数量。
Part 2 : after joining the wto , the study on the government against anti dumping since china became a formal member of the wto , it now possesses the same rights for participation in unbiased procedures as other countries . under the principles of these unbiased procedures , all member states can freely undertake trade and fairly solve trade disputes among them < wp = 4 >中国成为wto正式成员,将同其他国家一道享有wto赋予的参与公平竞争的权利,在wto为每一个成员创造的公平竞争的规则下,各个成员国之间都可以公开公平地进行贸易、解决彼此间的贸易争端。